What will we have to eat?


We have some of the yummiest, most delicious food on Camp – all freshly cooked for us by our super teams of cooks who work hard all week to keep our tums full!


Every morning on camp, we start off the day with a nice warm cup of tea, a choice of cereals and a cooked breakfast as well! So after your cereals you might have bacon, sausages, beans or Camp favourite… Eggy Bread!


Most of the days of your holiday we’ll be out on a trip or an adventure in the countryside, so we’ll take a delicious picnic with us to eat in the sunshine!

You’ll get a choice of sandwiches, crisps, fruit, chocolate bar and lots of juice.

(Kids Tip!: The quietest groups of kids get to come and choose the best sandwiches first!)


When we get back from our big adventure, walk or trip on the coach each day, the wonderful cooks on camp will serve us a yummy hot dinner – and pudding! – every tea time!

We might have roast chicken dinner, sausages, pizza, pasta, burgers, fish fingers, stew, cheesy mashed potato (super yum!), shepherds pie… crikey! I’m hungry just thinking about it!

And don’t worry if you think there’s nothing you like one day – speak to the helpers and they’ll make sure there’s always something to eat that you’ll like. We can’t go hungry – we’ve got another busy day’s camping adventure ahead of us tomorrow!

If you have a special diet – vegetarian, halal, etc – don’t worry! – our cooks will be making sure there’s always a delicious meal for everyone and will make sure there is always something suitable and yummy for you too. (Ask your helpers or the cooks if you’re not sure).

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