Summer Camp Build 2024

Thurs 25th – Sat 27th July


It’s Camp Build time and we need all the help we can get!

When: Thursday 25th July (from 10.15am); Friday 26th July (from 8.30am); Saturday 27th July (8.30 ~ 12.00)

It’s the greatest (but most enjoyable!) challenge on the Derby Kids’ Camp calendar and we need all our volunteers, family and friends to come along and join us to get Camp built in time for the kids arriving at the weekend!

Summer Camp takes place in our ‘canvas village’, which includes 12 various marquees, 11 children’s tents and a whole barn FULL of equipment to make Derby Kids’ Camp the best serviced, most comfortable holiday for all our children and volunteers.

In just 2.5 days, we build the entire Camp – starting from an empty field – to make sure we’re ready for the Week 1 team to arrive and kick Summer Camp off on the Saturday lunchtime.

Building Camp takes all sorts to complete a whole host of varying tasks – from the most physical or technical (building huge marquees and installing gas & electrics) to the lighter work involved (arranging the kitchen, sorting the food stores and clothes stores, or making all the beds!). So there really is a job for everyone – no matter how strong, technical or otherwise you may be!

Whether you are a volunteer on Camp this year, a corporate team looking for CSR or team building opportunities, or you’re just interested in helping us build it, we would love to have you join us! Join in from Thursday through ’til Saturday, or drop in to help out for a few hours – every fresh face and extra spare pair of hands will make a massive difference to ensure Camp is built and ship shape – ready for the 5 weeks of Camp.

Helpers during the build period are welcome to join us to camp over night on the Thursday and Friday (no camping fee) and everyone (no matter how long you’re there to help) will be well fed and watered throughout the Camp Build period.

Here’s a short ‘virtual tour’ – see what goes where as we transform an empty field into our ‘canvas village’!

If you, your friends, family or colleagues are able to assist, then please let us know asap by emailing

Camp Build is great fun, a fantastic achievement and a wonderful way to get to know many more of the DKC volunteer team.

Health & Safety during Build & Takedown period

Please note that during the Camp Build & Takedown period, everyone on site is expected to wear sensible and safe clothing. Strong / protective footwear is recommended, no open-toed footwear is allowed during this period.

Gloves can be provided, but if you can provide your own, that would be a great help.
In the interests of reduced waste and reduced single-use plastics, please also bring your own refillable water bottle.

Upon arrival on site, all helpers must report to the Camp Build Co-ordinator for a H&S briefing and to be tasked with the best activities to suit your abilities.

All Build / Takedown helpers are advised that there are heavy loads to be moved and nothing should be attempted without assessment and assistance where required. Technical work and installation will only be undertaken by qualified / specified persons.